Wednesday 7 September 2016

Impact of Intensifying Technology - Have a Look...!!!

Impact of Intensifying Technology:
Technology!! Undoubtedly, it has a great effect on us. We are experiencing this in our day-to-day life. It has consequence on growth of our economy, culture and living standards. As we all know, everything has both pros and cons; emerging technology is not exempted from this. Hence it is very essential to be aware of advantages and disadvantages of booming technology; as it is a double-edged sword with few detrimental and some beneficial effects. So let’s know the outcome of advancement in technology on us.
Pros of Advanced Technology:
Off course, advanced technology gifted us great experience in our lives. New inventions in technology plays vital role in creating comfort life style. We don’t realize how much technology is embedded in our life style until when we have no telephone, transport, water or electricity. Advanced technology has really raised our living standard. It also has immense effect on all elemental characteristics of our culture including laws and the way they are imposed, communication, language, transport, art, health care, networking, mobility, education and religion. For illustration, technological enhancement in medical field allowed doctors to treat patients in virtual environment via media such as video conference. This feature also benefited in legal environment as it let judges to conduct cases of criminals who cannot be allowed to bring into court rooms because of security issues.
Cons of Modern Technology:
Advancement in technological world results a creative destruction. For instance, television has impact on movies and synthetic fiber has impact on cotton. Emerging trends in technology results a negative effect on growth of economy. Every new form of technology arrives at market with long term consequences that are most of time not foreseeable. For example is there any real justification for nations coming up with bombs, nuclear weapons and missiles to preserve security?
We cannot ignore the fact that, technology has negative impact on our society in spite of its vast usage. Research data reveals that, those who use Internet frequently spend over 100 minutes less time with friends and family than non-Internet users.
Even though technology has helped us greatly to become more efficient, it has created gap in our lives and relationships. It helped us to save our resources such as time and money but also succeeded in making us lazy enough. It worked well in giving unity into universe, by changing it into a global village; but gifted unemployment for many.

So it is all upto us, whether we use it in a useful way or destructive way. So think and proceed.

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